
Sunday, September 5, 2010


So I  had the most peculiar dream last night.... beautiful and poetic and full to the brim with methaphors.

Basically I was running some kind of business in a building with many levels with a roof top area.

I was very busy going from one room to another doing somekind of seemingly important stuff…

Then… I was told by someone that a spaceship had landed on the roof and there where all these blue looking people around 9 foot tall and that one of them, a man was here to see me from inner or outer space and that he was very pleasant and had something to show me…but I had to go to the roof to meet him due to the obvious risks of an alien walking through the office.

Man I freaked out… I mean wouldn`t you!!! I was curious as hell but… damn.. an alien … and it wants to show me something!!! …

I made excuse after excuse day after day not to meet the man.. but I started to feel like a coward…The man was waiting patiently with his crew for me. Many of the people I was working with had met the man and a few got together to bring him covered up at high risk through the office to meet with me.. I didn`t turn up to the meeting… I made some feeble excuse.

Over the next few hours I felt tortured, torn and disgusted with myself.. “fuck it’ I said out loud and ran down to where the meeting was to take place (in a basement) … a few people where there including someone who posed as my mother.. but the man had my colleges said ‘He was not upset.. but there was a sadness, he said that he has tried all he can and offered to take a few people for a ride to his world’

My posed mother handed me an white orchid, a beautiful one and I looked at it and held it for a while.

Suddenly I had a reality all hit me... I realised that I just wasted an incredible opportunity that just doesn`t happen! ... I crouched on the ground holding my knees feeling sick in my belly...'I fucked it ... " I said quietly yet with sharpness in each word ... I was so DEVASTATED … cursing myself, almost in tears.. so incredibly frustrated at myself for wasting such a unique opportunity.. and they came to see ME!!! .. why? I wondered…

As my heart continued to flood with dark regret due to my embarrassing cowardice I walked in a  heavy footed manner and slumped my way slowly up the flight of stairs in defeat yet wanted to at least see where the ship had been waiting.. I sat miserable and cross legged looking up into the sky.. in such sadness and despair only comparable to morning a death.. I said out loud ‘I`m sorry’ … then.. a light appeared in the sky… ‘It can`t be ‘ I said to myself in a soft whisper… “ No way… it is !”.. my body language went from a cuss to a YES!

Sure as hell the small disc like ship landed with coloured lights and steam or smoke and a door opened and a man that looked so amazingly familiar walked steadily behind three of my ecstatic colleges who bustled out of the ship like drunk sailors and if they tried to smile any broader their heads would potentially invert or explode!

“ We swam through the ocean like dolphins man! It was amazing” blurted one of them, “We breathed under water man… fucking BREATHED underwater man” exhaled another.

I had the sudden realisation that I had missed out something MAJOR due to my previous fear…

“Yes this was lesson one Martin… it’s ok you can catch up later.. so glad you have chosen to meet with me”

I was overexcited and gabbed the mans hand with mine to shake it.. he wasn`t familiar with this action and his hands where more like flippers than fingers and didn`t even seem to have bones in them!... I was taken back and let go suddenly midshake.... “ oh I`m sorry man” I said, “I am just so incredibly happy to see you!”

The man said “ Us too, we only have 15 minutes and I fear that you have orchid dust on your hands , our skin finds this incredibly toxic.. please excuse me”

“ Oh shit … sorry” I said… and watched as members of his crew went through a remarkably complicated procedure to remove the violently reacting dust.

I was just stunned… at .. well.. all of it, the man, the crew, the ship, the mans reaction to the orchid dust, the fact that work colleges had journeyed with these guys and breathed under water…

Then.. there was a knock at the door to the roof top..

Its was my posed mother asking me if she could come out to the roof, I was worried that she would ruin this for me as she wouldn`t understand how amazing this moment is and just fire questions at me each one killing seconds and minutes... so I said ‘No mum, sorry we are busy’ ‘I`ll come and see you in 15 minutes ok?’ ... but there was no listening to me... " Martin .. Let me in at once"... "Open this door NOW" etc etc etc... she become so damn persistent.. and I was losing my time with this man who had something to show me.. I felt like I was one of them.. they where my family and I was here on Earth to do something for them and they wanted to remind me that its all ok and not to fear and to follow my heart..


“I`m so sorry mate” I said to the man.. he just smiled in that most brilliant, understanding and soft patient way.

Then a posed dad started at the door … the two of them hammering like obsessed nutters..

All around me people where saying ‘Ignore them, there isn`t time’

Then I thought “Fuck it... I`ll let them in then deal with it, at least it stops them banging at the door” I did just this and they almost fell on the floor, red faced and sweaty from giving it all they could.

“ Whats all this?"  my posed dad stabbed ... "What are you doing in here?"... " You should always let us in when we ask"..

“Dad.. this is a spaceship, I know you don`t believe in anything … but you are now next to a space ship and these guys...well...these guys... um they`re aliens” in that moment the man flinched and then spoke to me with a gentle voice using telepathy “Well.. we are not ‘aliens’ we are spiritual beings from a dimension not a planet, aliens are from planets’

I expected my posed father to freak out… but both him and my posed mother … couldn’t see the spaceship or spiritual beings…!!  and kept arguing with me about ridiculous stuff about letting them in..and I kept yelling at them to shut up… all the while time was ticking and I couldn`t talk to the man as my posed parents where at me like yapping giant demanding slobbering puppies.. I was getting lost into a sea of their yelling and demanding and the man and the spaceship and the crew became further away until ...all faded away…

I awoke really sad…

I wanted to talk with my people, I know there is something that they wanted to tell me.

This dream really showed me a beautiful lesson:

NEVER let fear (my cowardice in meeting the man) decide my destiny or frustration (letting my posed parents through the door) into my thoughts. I believe these two things are the main issues I personally have at the moment.

The orchids had me kind of stumped though I came up with this possible conclusion... I mean they are beautiful, delicate flowers so how could one react violently to that? or does it mean that just because something looks beautiful and harmless it may not be the case for all people. ie loving someone but putting restrictions and pressure on them is not a refined love and when this is ingrained into the skin (a behavioural pattern) and replayed though unconscious and seemingly harmless acts onto another (ie the almost forced handshake) it can hurt others beyond our belief. In brief, our conditioning can hurt others, and if we knew the true outcome of some of our behaviours... we just wouldn`t behave some ways at all.

Sensitive and aware.

This is what the Orchid has become to symbolise to me today. Be sensitive and aware at all times.

I love my parents btw, the ones in the dream where merely playing a role of course we have different ways of seeing sometimes like most parent/child relationships.


1 comment:

  1. Wow what a fantastic dream, I loved it, what a fantastic story.
