
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

two thousand and twelve?

Crazy arse dream...

All I remember is that it was December 20 2012 and I was with a bunch of friends, some I know some I didn`t but it the future right so maybe I will yeh.

December 21 2012 is the most talked about date I know of ... will it be the end of 'time'? and
does that mean end of the world? or literally the end of 'time' ie linear time? If anything does in fact happen I`m leaning strongly to the latter.

Who knows? I love some of the theories as I`m in so much damn debt that maybe I just hang in there and by the 22nd December 2012 I`m all clear haha. Wishful thinking? maybe.. who knows really.

Probably nothing will happen but ... but something just might.. and I feel that I am preparing myself for this time.. I mean I am defiantly becoming more and more each day and less and less at the same time. Dropping the bullshit thoughts one at a time and inviting more outrageous fun, adventure and love and all the while taking on deeper responsibilities for my action and especially the mother of all conditioning.. reaction!

Anyway...back to the dream..ok so I`m somewhere in Melbourne, Australia with friends, we are all debating on what will happen, most saying 'It`s bullshit' some saying 'It`s time' some not sure, some frightened and some to drunk to know what the hell... and then...the calender flipped over to December 21..


I was not expecting this though I had heard of something kinda like it... Basically my Pineal gland enlarged and started turning clockwise I remember it resembling a something like a cobras head... I felt and all my friends around me like our eyes could finally see what was really around us... every thing was glistening and stunningly beautiful. I felt like a flower that had just come into blossom...

I could go on.. but just put these words into your imagination 'Blissfull Glistening exsistence' 

It was incredible.. well for us...

Not for all...

You see there was a choice before this time:

A) To transcend

B) To stay behind

Choice A chose a life leading to 2012 of listening to the heart, questioning, growing, listening to other peoples ideas no matter how crazy they seemed, facing fears and doubts ,having faith, spreading love and joy and do their best to be present, doing what 'feels right' even at the cost of work, friends and family.

Choice B... well choice B people ... They chose the road known to them, they where generally materialistic, selfish, judgemental, cynical, close minded, didn`t have many real friends, argued their points and laughed at or feared anyone they didn`t understand etc etc .. an ... well their pineal gland grew as well........But....
it went anti clockwise... and they became reptilian in nature, very dense and fearful.. intelligence and personality was  lost and replaced with reaction and mob mentality..

The two differences where quite massive... I mean its large enough now ... but it was MASSIVE. there was now only two races... the left and the right Pineal gland people and the right being the ones who made the 'right' choice' and their gland turning right in a clockwise manner and the ones who where 'Left' behind' and theirs turned in an anti clock wise manner.

It quite quickly became divided and the B people started trying to attack people A as I guess they always have and We all had to get away from them but lucky for us we had intelligence and we could role play and work our way through the crowds of reptilian monkeys towards safety..

end of dream



"be excellent to each other... and your self! ASAP!'

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